Minister of Walking Prayer
Mandy Lynn is a Spiritual Guide and inter-faith minister of Walking Prayer, ordained through the Center for Sacred Studies. She has spent the last 10 years studying with wisdom keepers and medicine carriers from lineages across North, Central & South America and contributing her energy to the fulfillment of the Eagle Condor prophecy through her work with ceremonies such as the vision quest and Sundance, amongst others. Her intent is to be a catalyst for deep transformation and healing at the level of Spirit, supporting the mind and body to follow.
Working with the Master Plant Teachers
Studying most intently with Grandmother Ayahuasca and Grandfather Peyote through sacred ceremonial altars and Indigenous elders, Mandy has received countless blessings and teachings from the wisdom of these great beings and who's spiritual work reflects all that she has been shown, transformed and integrated through her own life to be able to assist others in their healing process.
Wisdom for the Next 7 Generations and, Honoring those Who Came Before
At the heart of Mandy's work is connection, to self, the ancestors and the next generations to come, and recognizing our place in the web that connects all of life. Reviving these ancestral memories through song, ritual, ceremony, dance and play are central to recalling the fractured pieces of one's own Spirit. This honoring of life allows us to be fully present, embodied, which sends waves of healing through the fabric of time in which we perceive past, present and future, recognizing that it all is happening in this very now moment.